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"Imagination...The Beginning of a Dream!" -G.R.L.

"Create a Positive Change in the World" -G.R.L.

"Become a Blessing in Someone's Life" -G.R.L.

"Faith Lives, Hope Embraces, Love Eternally" -G.R.L.

"Always THINK Before You Speak" -G.R.L.

"Everyone has Special Creative Talents" -G.R.L.

"God Is Infinite Blessings! Amen" -G.R.L.

"Create Lasting Impressions...Impress Others" -G.R.L.

"Anything and Everything IS Possible" -G.R.L.

"Imagination! Creates Endless Possibilities" -G.R.L.

"Ride the Rails...Destination Unknown" -G.R.L.

"Be a Positive Change for Someone" -G.R.L.

"Create Lifetime Memories, Travel by Train" -G.R.L.

"Railroading is Capturing American History" -G.R.L.

"Possibility Thinkers Eagerly Anticipate the Future" -G.R.L.

"Reach for your Goals, Reach for the Stars" -G.R.L.

"Life is Precious, Cherish Everyday Moments" -G.R.L.

"Visualization is the Key Element in Design" -G.R.L.

"Make Each and Everyday Count!" -G.R.L.

"Dreams Become Reality, When you First Believe" -G.R.L.

"Remember...Dreams Do Come True, Everyday!" -G.R.L.

"Believe in Yourself, Believe in your Dreams" -G.R.L.

"Dreams are for the Creative Dreamers" -G.R.L.

"Faith, Joy, Hope, Love & World Peace!" -G.R.L.

"Prayers are Answered Everyday, Patience" -G.R.L.

"Love Today, Love Tomorrow, Love Forever!" -G.R.L.

"Being Single & Free, Is Most Cost Effective" -G.R.L.

"Remain Positive, Remain Thankful, Remain Blessed" -G.R.L.

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